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Graphly D3 utilizes the force simulation of d3 and builds on top of it to make shape templates possible. To enable those additional features, Graphly takes the data structure of the force simulation and adds a number of further data properties to it.

The data structure extensions are described in more detail on the following pages.

Original Data Structure

The data required by the vanilla d3 force simulation is an array of nodes and an array of links with very rudimentary properties.

Each node object requires only an id property to identify it.
Each link object takes a source and target property to know the ids of the nodes it connects.

const graph = {
	nodes: [{ id: "node1" }, { id: "node2" }],
	links: [{ source: "node1", target: "node2" }],


D3 changes certain properties while processing the data.
E.g. a links source and target properties get changed from the id string to a reference to the respective node object.

Runtime Additions

When the data is rendered to display a force-directed graph, the node objects are populated with additional properties. They represent the position and velocity of the node.

xnumberThe x position of the node
ynumberThe y position of the node
vxnumberThe x velocity of the node
vynumberThe y velocity of the node


Since the additional properties are now part of the data structure, they can be manipulated as well. This is especially useful when there is a need for custom behavior.

Graphly D3 Documentation