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Event API

The event API can be accessed by registering a callback function with the on() method of the ForceSimulation instance. It takes the event identifier string as first argument and the callback function as second argument.

simulation.on("", (...args) => {
	// do something

Using the Event enum from the graphly-d3 package you can easily register to the available default events.

enum Event {
	NodeClick = "node:click",
	NodeDoubleClick = "node:doubleclick",
	NodeContextMenu = "node:contextmenu",
	NodeDragStart = "node:dragstart",
	NodeDragMove = "node:dragmove",
	NodeDragEnd = "node:dragend",

	LinkClick = "link:click",
	LinkDoubleClick = "link:doubleclick",
	LinkContextMenu = "link:contextmenu",
	LinkDragStart = "link:dragstart",
	LinkDragMove = "link:dragmove",
	LinkDragEnd = "link:dragend",

	EnvironmentClick = "environment:click",
	EnvironmentDoubleClick = "environment:doubleclick",
	EnvironmentContextMenu = "environment:contextmenu",
	EnvironmentMove = "environment:move",

	SimulationTick = "simulation:tick",
	SimulationTickEnd = "simulation:tickend",

	ThemeChange = "theme:change", // available since v1.4.0

Node Click

The "node:click" event is triggered when a node shape is clicked by the user. It provides arguments about the event and the node object that was clicked.

import { Event } from "@livereader/graphly-d3";
simulation.on(Event.NodeClick, (event, node) => {
	// do something

Node Double Click

The "node:doubleclick" event is triggered when a node shape is double clicked by the user. It provides arguments about the event and the node object that was double clicked.

import { Event } from "@livereader/graphly-d3";
simulation.on(Event.NodeDoubleClick, (event, node) => {
	// do something

Node Context Menu

The "node:contextmenu" event is triggered when a node shape is right clicked by the user. It provides arguments about the event and the node object that was right clicked.

import { Event } from "@livereader/graphly-d3";
simulation.on(Event.NodeContextMenu, (event, node) => {
	// do something

Node Drag Start

The "node:dragstart" event is triggered when a node shape is started to be dragged by the user. It provides arguments about the event, the node object and the position the node was dragged from. position contains x and y coordinates.

import { Event } from "@livereader/graphly-d3";
simulation.on(Event.NodeDragStart, (event, node, position) => {
	// do something

If you return the string "newlink" within the callback, the "link:dragstart" event will be triggered and the node dragging process will be interrupted.


This can be very handy if you want to drag a new link from this node to another node under certain conditions. E.g. if the alt key is pressed.

import { Event } from "@livereader/graphly-d3";
simulation.on(Event.NodeDragStart, (event, node, position) => {
	if (event.sourceEvent.altKey) {
		return "newlink";
	// else do something

Node Drag Move

The "node:dragmove" event is triggered when a node shape is dragged by the user. It provides arguments about the event, the node object and the position the node was dragged to. position contains x and y coordinates.

import { Event } from "@livereader/graphly-d3";
simulation.on(Event.NodeDragMove, (event, node, position) => {
	// do something

Node Drag End

The "node:dragend" event is triggered when a node shape is dragged by the user and released. It provides arguments about the event, the node object and the position the node was dragged to. position contains x and y coordinates.

import { Event } from "@livereader/graphly-d3";
simulation.on(Event.NodeDragEnd, (event, node, position) => {
	// do something

The "link:click" event is triggered when a link between two nodes is clicked by the user. It provides arguments about the event and the link object that was clicked.

import { Event } from "@livereader/graphly-d3";
simulation.on(Event.LinkClick, (event, link) => {
	// do something

The "link:doubleclick" event is triggered when a link between two nodes is double clicked by the user. It provides arguments about the event and the link object that was double clicked.

import { Event } from "@livereader/graphly-d3";
simulation.on(Event.LinkDoubleClick, (event, link) => {
	// do something

The "link:contextmenu" event is triggered when a link between two nodes is right clicked by the user. It provides arguments about the event and the link object that was right clicked.

import { Event } from "@livereader/graphly-d3";
simulation.on(Event.LinkContextMenu, (event, link) => {
	// do something

The "link:dragstart" event is triggered when a link is started to be dragged from one node (source). It provides arguments about the event, the source node object and the position the link was dragged from. position contains x and y coordinates.

import { Event } from "@livereader/graphly-d3";
simulation.on(Event.LinkDragStart, (event, sourceNode, position) => {
	// do something

The "link:dragmove" event is triggered when a link is being dragged. It provides arguments about the event, the source node object and the position the link was dragged to. position contains x and y coordinates.

import { Event } from "@livereader/graphly-d3";
simulation.on(Event.LinkDragMove, (event, sourceNode, position) => {
	// do something

The "link:dragend" event is triggered when a link is dragged and released. It provides arguments about the event, the source node object, the target node object and the position the link was dragged to. position contains x and y coordinates.

import { Event } from "@livereader/graphly-d3";
simulation.on(Event.LinkDragEnd, (event, sourceNode, targetNode, position) => {
	// do something

The targetNode is only set if the link is released over another node then the source node.


This can be used as a way to create a new link between two nodes. It also allows you to interrupt the process and show a modal dialog to further configure the link or just create a new link direclty.

simulation.on(Event.LinkDragEnd, (event, sourceNode, targetNode, pos) => {
	if (targetNode) {
		const link = {

Environment Click

The "environment:click" event is triggered when the user clicks on the svg element. It provides arguments about the event and the position of the click within the svg world. position contains x and y coordinates.

import { Event } from "@livereader/graphly-d3";
simulation.on(Event.EnvironmentClick, (event, position) => {
	// do something

Environment Double Click

The "environment:doubleclick" event is triggered when the user double clicks on the svg element. It provides arguments about the event and the position of the click within the svg world. position contains x and y coordinates.

import { Event } from "@livereader/graphly-d3";
simulation.on(Event.EnvironmentDoubleClick, (event, position) => {
	// do something

Environment Context Menu

The "environment:contextmenu" event is triggered when the user right clicks on the svg element. It provides arguments about the event and the position of the click within the svg world. position contains x and y coordinates.

import { Event } from "@livereader/graphly-d3";
simulation.on(Event.EnvironmentContextMenu, (event, position) => {
	// do something

Environment Move

The "environment:move" event is triggered when the user moves the svg world by dragging the background. It provides the argument about the current transform of the svg world. transform contains x and y coordinates and the k scale factor.

import { Event } from "@livereader/graphly-d3";
simulation.on(Event.EnvironmentMove, (transform) => {
	// do something

Simulation Tick

The "simulation:tick" event is triggered on each step of the simulation.

import { Event } from "@livereader/graphly-d3";
simulation.on(Event.SimulationTick, () => {
	// do something

Simulation Tick End

The "simulation:tickend" event is triggered when the simulation is finished and the node movement is finished.

import { Event } from "@livereader/graphly-d3";
simulation.on(Event.SimulationTickEnd, () => {
	// do something

Theme Change

available since version 1.4.0

The "theme:change" event is triggered when the theme of the simulation is changed. It provides the argument about the current theme of the simulation. (either "light" or "dark")

import { Event } from "@livereader/graphly-d3";
simulation.on(Event.ThemeChange, (theme) => {
	// do something

Custom Template Events

The template events are special events that can be triggered by shape templates. More detailed information about how to fire these events can be found in the EmitEvent section of the Template API.

You can also listen to these events by using the on method and using a special event name pattern: "template:<template-name>:<event-name>".

It always provides the arguments about the 'node' data object and the event object. Any further arguments are specified by the EventEmitter of the template.

simulation.on("template:myShape:myCustomEvent", (node, event, ...args) => {
	// do something


If you want to prevent that the node:click event is also fired, you can use the .stopPropagation() method of the event object.

simulation.on("template:myShape:myCustomEvent", (node, event) => {

This allows you to better differentiate between custom buttons for example and the normal node click event.

Graphly D3 Documentation