The TemplateAPI
contains a number of useful modules to create and manipulate different SVG shapes.
The Shape
module provides numerous methods to create, modify and manage svg elements. But for templates they are broken down to three methods of interest:
Method | Description |
Shape.create(type) | takes a string of the type and returns a new d3 selection of the given type |
Shape.getBBox(selection) | takes a d3 selection and returns the bounding box of the selection |
Shape.transform(selection, size) | transforms the given selection to the given size |
const shape = Shape.create("g"); // returns a new svg g element
const bbox = Shape.getBBox(shape); // returns the bounding box of the shape
Shape.transform(shape, 300); // scales the shape to 300px
Shape Circle
The Shape.Circle()
method creates a circle with the given radius.
const circle = Shape.Circle(150);
Shape Rectangle
The Shape.Rectangle()
method creates a rectangle with the given width, height and corner radius.
const rectangle = Shape.Rectangle(150, 100, 10);
Shape Polygon
The Shape.Polygon()
method creates a polygon with the given number of corners in the given radius and applies the given corner radius to the corners.
const polygon = Shape.Polygon(3, 150, 10);
Path Shape
The PathShape
method takes a svg path code and returns a newly created d3 selection of a svg path element. It gets especially useful to create more complex paths.
// siluette of a house
const shape = PathShape("M 100 0 L 200 100 L 200 200 L 0 200 L 0 100 Z");
SVG Shape
The SVGShape
behaves similar to the PathShape method but it accepts a whole svg code as parameter and returns a d3 selection of the created svg element.
It is most useful to create complex svg shapes – especially if it is an export from a vector graphic tool.
// siluette of a house with a check ♢ symbol in the middle
const shape = SVGShape(`
<path d="M 100 0 L 200 100 L 200 200 L 0 200 L 0 100 Z" />
<path d="M 100 0 L 200 100 L 200 200 L 0 200 L 0 100 Z" />
Tag Shape
The TagShape
method builds a tag and returns a d3 selection of the created svg element. It takes 2 parameters to output a tag shape.
Parameter | Type | Description |
text | string | text to be display as tag |
TagStyle | TagStyle | determines the styling of the tag |
This method is primarily used within the TagCollection module.
const tag = TagShape("Hello World", TagStyle(...));
Text Shape
The TextShape
method builds a text and returns a d3 selection of the created svg element. It works similar to the TagShape and takes 2 parameters to output text shape.
Parameter | Type | Description |
text | string | text to be display as text element |
ShapeStyle | ShapeStyle[] | determines the styling of the element |
This method is primarily used within the TextCollection module.
const text = TextShape("Hello World", [ShapeStyle(...), ShapeStyle(...)]);