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The TemplateAPI contains a number of useful modules to style the SVG shapes within the template.

Shape Style

The ShapeStyle object is meant to apply certain styles to any shape.

interface ShapeStyle {
	key: string;
	value: string;
	condition: (() => boolean) | boolean;

The ShapeStyle() method can be passed as a modifier within shape definitions.

function ShapeStyle(
	key: string, 
	value: string, 
	condition?: (() => boolean) | boolean
): ShapeStyle;
keythe key of the style to apply
valuethe value of the style to apply
conditionwhether to apply the style or not
// adds the css class "warning" to the shape if the data.warning property is truthy
ShapeStyle("class", "warning", data.warning);

// always sets the font weight to 600
ShapeStyle("font-weight", "600", true);


ShapeStyle also supports class chaining. This means if the key is "class" and it should modify the applied css classes, it can apply multiple classes (with the same condition) by chaining them with a ".".

ShapeStyle("class", "warning.important.dark_text", true);

This would always apply the css classes "warning", "important" and "dark_text"

Tag Style

The TagStyle object contains the styling data to be applied on a TagShape.

interface TagStyle {
	padding: {
		top: number;
		right: number;
		bottom: number;
		left: number;
	textStyles: ShapeStyle[];
	backgroundStyles: ShapeStyle[];
	cornerRadius: number;

The TagStyle() method can be passed as a modifier within tag definitions and takes parameters to restrucutre them into a TagStyle object.

function TagStyle(
	padding: number | [number, number] | [number, number, number, number],
	textStyles: ShapeStyle[] = [],
	backgroundStyles: ShapeStyle[] = [],
	cornerRadius: number = 0
): TagStyle;
paddingpadding of tags along all sides, height and width or all sides differently
textStypesarray of shape styles to be applied to the text
backgroundStylesarray of shape styles to be applied to the background
cornerRadiuscorner radius of the tag
// Tag with a height-padding of 20px and width-padding of 30px
// applied text style from the "tag-text" css class and a font-size of 24px
// applied background style to be red
// and 15px rounded corners
	[20, 30],
	[ShapeStyle("class", "tag-text", true), ShapeStyle("font-size", "24px", true)],
	[ShapeStyle("fill", "red", true)],

Collection Style

The CollectionStyle object contains the styling data to be applied on a CollectionShape.

interface CollectionStyle {
	height: number;
	width: number;
	x: number;
	y: number;
	dx: number;
	dy: number;
	rowCount: number;
	align: Alignment;
	rowMargins: number[];

The CollectionStyle() method can be passed as a modifier within collection definitions and takes parameters directly.

function CollectionStyle(
	height: number,
	width: number,
	x: number,
	y: number,
	dx: number,
	dy: number,
	rowCount: number,
	align: Alignment = Alignment.Center,
	rowMargins: number[] = []
): CollectionStyle;
heightheight of the collection
widthwidth of the collection
xx position of the collection (relative to the container)
yy position of the collection (relative to the container)
dxx spacing between subshapes
dyy spacing between subshapes
rowCountnumber of rows in the collection
alignitem alignment (left, center, right)
rowMarginsoptional horizontal margins for each row
	100, // 100px heigh
	300, // 300px wide
	0, // 0px from the left
	30, // 30px from the top
	10, // 10px horizontal space between each item
	10, // 10px vertical space between each item
	2, // 2 rows of items are possible
	Alignment.Center, // items are centered
	[30, 60] // the first row has 30px horizontal margin and the second 60px

LOD Style

The LODStyle(Level of Detail) object contains the styling data to be applied by the OnZoom event.

interface LODStyle {
	shape: d3.Selection<SVGElement, any, any, any>;
	key: string;
	value: string;
	condition: ((k: number) => boolean) | boolean;

The LODStyle() method can be passed as a modifier within LOD definitions and takes parameters directly.

function LODStyle(
	shape: d3.Selection<SVGElement, any, any, any>,
	key: string,
	value: string,
	condition?: ((k: number) => boolean) | boolean
): LODStyle;
shapethe d3 selection of the shape the LOD is applied to
keythe key of the style to apply
valuethe value of the style to apply
conditionwhether to apply the style or not – It gets the scale (k) as a parameter
// applies the css class hidden to the shape if the scale factor is below 0.6
LODStyle(shape, "class", "hidden", (k) => k < 0.6);


Similar to ShapeStyle LODStyle supports class chaining. This allows to apply multiple css classes to a shape at once with the same condition.

LODStyle(shape, "class", "title.xl.dark_text", (k) => k < 0.6);

This applies the css classes "title", "xl" and "dark_text" to the shape if the zoom factor is below 0.6.

Theme Style

available since version 1.4.0

The ThemeStyle object is meant to by used in conjunction with the ShapeStyle object to apply certain styles to any shape based on the current theme.

export interface ThemeStyle {
	data: Node;
	lightValue: string;
	darkValue: string;

The ThemeStyle() method can be passed as a parameter to the ShapeStyle() value parameter and defines the values to be applied wheather the theme is light or dark.

function ThemeStyle(
	data: Node,
	lightValue: string,
	darkValue: string
): ThemeStyle;
datathe node data object of the shape
lightValuethe value to apply in light mode
darkValuethe value to apply in dark mode
ShapeStyle("fill", ThemeStyle("white", "black"));


For a more generic access to the current theme take a look at the OnThemeChange event hook.


This example shows a use case where custom colors are applied to the TextCollection based on the current theme.

const someText = TextCollection("Hello World", CollectionStyle(0, 0, 200, 200, 20, 20, 1), [
	ShapeStyle("class", "gly_text", true),
	ShapeStyle("fill", ThemeStyle(data, "#00796b", "#b2dfdb")),

Coloring Utilities

available since version 1.4.0

Besides theme controlled coloring there are some use cases where certain coloring is dictated by some custom logic (e.g. the payload of a node). Since elements like text should be easily readable the coloring should be determined by the background color.

The TemplateAPI now provides a few utility functions to help with this.


brightness() takes a color string and returns the brightness of the color as a number between 0 and 1. The function expects a color string in the format #rrggbb or rgb(r, g, b).

const { brightness } = TemplateAPI;
brightness("#4db6ac"); // 0.5861372549019608
brightness("rgb(77, 182, 172)"); // 0.5861372549019608

Is Light

isLight() is a wrapper around brightness() and returns true if the color is determined to be light and false if it is dark.

const { isLight } = TemplateAPI;
isLight("#4db6ac"); // true
isLight("rgb(77, 182, 172)"); // true

Is Dark

isDark() is a wrapper around brightness() and returns true if the color is determined to be dark and false if it is light.

const { isDark } = TemplateAPI;
isDark("#4db6ac"); // false
isDark("rgb(77, 182, 172)"); // false


Using these functions to determine what color to apply to a text element for instance can be done fairly easily and improves the template accessibility a lot.

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